While for biographical reasons I own both an EU and a US passport, my heart beats for Europe, the so-called ‘old world’. Even if Europeans have long forgotten it, large parts of the world envy Europe for its achievements and quality of life. For over 70 years, most of Europe has lived in peace, with amazing social standards, a strong notion of democracy and a marvellous cultural, linguistic (and culinary) diversity.
In Europe, massacres due to a lack of weapons laws, as in the USA, are rare. Europe does not (yet) run detention camps for refugees like Australia. Asia’s predatory capitalism is practised in Europe in a more tame form. In the European Union, opposition members, dissenters and minorities are not mercilessly imprisoned as in China, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey or the Emirates.
The European Union and its members can be proud of what they have achieved after the two world wars of the 20th century. And above all, they should do everything they can to preserve and develop further what they have achieved. That’s why I support the campaign #loveyouEU.
Hannes Jaenicke, actor and activist
Born in Germany, he spent part of his childhood within the United States.
Performing in dozens of german and international movies, receiving various awards, Jaenicke is passionate about investigating and exposing environmental and species conservation problems and animal crime. Documentaries cover the fate of orang utans and gorillas, elephants, lions, sharks, dolphins, polar bears and others. In recent years, he has also published books about related topics, including how consumers can promote change towards a sustainable lifestyle.